Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ready for pumpkin pie and homemade cranberry sauce....


Oh my gosh, where do I even start? My senior show is in TWO weeks, and I have SO much to do! Between two studio classes, art history courses, and two classes that are requiring three separate case studies all due on the same day (you figure that one out.) I'm freaking out. This past Sunday I woke up very.. itchy.. when I got up I felt slightly light headed but made it to the bathroom to discover that i was entirely covered in HIVES. Seriously, hives? It couldn't have been something a little more exiting? I've actually never had hives before but it was quite a shock to have my entire body covered in this red itchy bumpy rash (ew).  So after a trip to Urgent Care I had a diagnosis and quite a bit of anti-histamines which did nothing but make me sleep.  So anyways, this week has been insane. I've been trying to "keep calm" since they believe my hives are from stress since I don't have any outstanding allergies to anything. This concept kind of makes me laugh inside...but not for very long. I guess on the plus side I did get to register today, I think I was seriously one of the first, it was great! Amy was also very sweet and is letting me switch into one of her classes but as a Drawing 3 student, she has no idea how much it helps me. I feel like this year has been so close to being intolerable many many times. Anyways, sorry about the rant, I needed that. This week we worked on long poses and on the manikins a little bit. We went over the knee and let me tell you, I really appreciate my knees a lot more! I've really started to like long drawings more than I did when we started. It's my chance to just stop for an hour, slow down, focus on ONE thing and just breathe.  It's frustrating at the same time, but it's also very nice to just slow down for awhile.  I was pretty pleased with the drawings that have come from them, but unfortunately I don't have pictures right now.  However, because I've constantly been feeling like I'm not drawing enough I've been going online in my downtime and just looking at random pictures and sketching them. It's a little strange sometimes sitting in a public place sketching from a picture of a nude person. I just figure it anyone asks or gives me a goofy look I'll say I'm an art student, it usually seems to answer a lot of questions. So I have a couple of pictures for you of those sketches. 
sketch 2

sketch 3

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting to enjoy long drawings more as well! They go by a lot faster now and I really get to focus in on one thing rather than being overwhelmed like I was before.
