Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The deep freeze...

I'm blaming the weather on my current mental blocks towards all school work.  It's much too cold to actually be ambitious and get things done in a timely manner.  Instead.. I think all students should take a hiatus, drink some coffee, and watch a good movie.  On another note, I apologize for not posting any pictures of my own work.  My camera works just fine, but for two weeks I've forgotten to grab my usb cable to actually put my pictures on my computer. So, one more week and I should actually have some work of my own up.  Until then, bear with me and the inspiration images I keep digging up.

 As we keep working on breaking down the body, I realize how important it is.  Also, I've noticed that when i don't warm up, either from gesture drawings or doodling, I don't do as well.  I tend not to pay as close attention to proportion or landmarks and my line quality is a less than desirable.  Below is a great example of different ways to break up the body and to increase understanding. 

I've also been trying to work in a more geometric manner, such as the middle figure on the last row of the picture. You would think that breaking things down into geometric shapes would be easy, but its very difficult to look at something that is round and full of dips and curves and change them into angles and planes. 

I'm looking forward to continue working on drawing the body and understanding the structure of it.  I'm also going to try to do more independent drawings and work in a more artistic manner.  AND i'm going to remember my USB cable when I go home this weekend!

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