Wednesday, March 23, 2011

snow day!

I hate to begin with the weather.. but really?! I'm so upset with this snow it makes me sick and that's coming from a person that loves snow and winter activities! However, I'm so ready for warm weather, chirping birds, and clear bike trails. 

meanwhile, back to class- Tuesday was challenging. After not really drawing for two weeks gesture drawings were a little tricky.  It always amazes me how fast I forget things.  We worked on a long pose after a good amount of gesture drawing and I seriously had to re proportion my drawing three times.  Usually I can come somewhat close with only minor changes.  During the last twenty minutes of the long pose I decided that I wanted to get a little more technical with this drawing and try to map out bone and muscle structure. Since it was a pretty simple pose I figured it wouldn't be that difficult-I was wrong.  I had to reference our textbook a few times just to see where I was and if the muscles were lined up appropriately.  I don't think it's quite right, but it's definitely something I want to work on.  With that, this blog post is going to be a tad bit short because.. well.. we only had one day of class this week.

hope everyone had a nice week back!

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